[rabbitmq-discuss] how to find the number of subscribers to a durable queue in rabbitmq?

Michael Klishin michael.s.klishin at gmail.com
Mon May 6 14:26:41 BST 2013

2013/5/6 Seshachalam Malisetti <abbiya at gmail.com>

> How can i use rabbitmq http api to do this ?
> will " /api/queues/vhost/queue/bindings A list of all bindings on a given
> queue. " this help me ?

That will list bindings, not consumers. The learn the difference, take a
look at


To get the # of consumers, either use AMQP's queue.declare method with
passive set to true,
or use

GET /api/queues/{{vhost}}/{{queue}}

Both will include consumer count among other things.

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