[rabbitmq-discuss] After server notifies of canceled consume, it doesn't acknowledge a channel close

Chip Salzenberg rev.chip at gmail.com
Wed May 1 23:40:40 BST 2013

I am using a modified AnyEvent::RabbitMQ Perl module (the standard one does
not advertise its willingness to receive channel cancellations).  The
module is event-driven; its input handler is not dependent on application
logic, and is where I'm getting my frame dumps; and the module continues to
send heartbeat frames even after other events stop.  Also, as an
experiment, I arranged to send a CancelOk and got an error response (which
was printed correctly).  So I do not believe the client is "hanging" in any

Does the Java automated test of close-after-cancel-notification expect a
CloseOk?  Does it get one?

How do you suggest dumping the frame traffic without depending on the
suspect client module?

On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 4:06 AM, Simon MacMullen <simon at rabbitmq.com> wrote:

> On 01/05/13 05:16, Chip Salzenberg wrote:
>> I've successfully used the optional server feature of sending a
>> basic.cancel when a consumed queue is deleted.  Great.  But a reasonable
>> thing to do at that point is to close the channel, right?  But when I
>> send a channel.close in that circumstance, RMQ 3.0.4 does not send a
>> close-ok.  It doesn't send anything.  This makes my app hang.  I have to
>> cheat and ass_u_me that the channel is closed in order to keep working.
> Well that definitely sounds wrong.
> (Bear in mind that the channel is not damaged by this, you don't have to
> close it if you don't want to. But I can see you might want to.)
>  Am I doing something wrong?  Is this a server bug?  Both?  :)
> I doubt it's a server bug; we have an automated test which closes a
> channel after receiving a cancel notification. But Steve points out the way
> in which the Java client could trip you up. In previous mails I think you
> mentioned using the Perl client; possibly it has a similar limitation in
> callbacks?
> If not, please post some example code and I will look into it.
> Cheers, Simon
> --
> Simon MacMullen
> RabbitMQ, VMware
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