[rabbitmq-discuss] Bindings

Michael Klishin michael.s.klishin at gmail.com
Mon Jun 3 11:49:15 BST 2013

2013/6/3 Tamir Agamy <tamiragamy at gmail.com>

> 1. Where does the subscribing process begins, where does it end?

When you cancel the consumer. If by "subscription" you mean "binding", when
you unbind a queue from an exchange.

Also, if you delete an exchange or a queue, all bindings are deleted as

> 2. When binding a queue, what really happens? is the binding information
> being forward via the
>     server to the exchange, where it is entered to a binding list? or is
> the information saved at the
>     server and the exchange has to inquire the server whenever it gets a
> message from the producer?

Bindings are stored in a distributed database that all RabbitMQ cluster
nodes can access.

See rabbitmq.com/tutorials/amqp-concepts.html as well.

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