[rabbitmq-discuss] Connection.Blocked triggering?

Tim Watson tim at rabbitmq.com
Thu Dec 19 09:10:36 GMT 2013

Sorry Gavin, I was getting confused between channel.flow and connection.blocked there. Someone pointed out that you're talking about http://www.rabbitmq.com/connection-blocked.html - duh! I suspect however, that just because you've managed to get a publisher subject to flow control, doesn't necessarily mean that you've actually triggered a resource alarm such that connection.blocked will be sent. Producers can (and do) enter flow control if the broker/queue cannot keep up with publishing rates, but only when a low memory or disk alarm is trigger will the connection.blocked signal be sent.

Hope that makes sense and sorry for misunderstanding the question.


On 19 Dec 2013, at 08:25, Tim Watson wrote:

> AFAIK Rabbit hasn't sent connection.block to clients for quite some time. Instead, we introduce flow control in the broker through TCP back-pressure (i.e., not reading from producer's sockets). That is why you can see the connection in a flow state in the UI (because server-side flow control is in effect), but no connection.block is delivered to the client.
> Cheers,
> Tim
> On 19 Dec 2013, at 00:05, Gavin M. Roy wrote:
>> At what point should Connection.Block be sent from RabbitMQ to a client application? I am able to see that I am triggering a Flow state in the RabbitMQ management UI but am not seeing any Connection.Block frames delivered to the client.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Gavin
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