[rabbitmq-discuss] Impact of Updating Queue Parameters on Queued Messages

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Tue Dec 17 18:26:21 GMT 2013

On 17/12/2013 18:15, Richard Raseley wrote:
> A) The messages are purged, the queue is deleted and recreated with the
> new parameters.
> B) The messages are preserved and the queue's parameters are just updated.
> C) Something else?

C) The messages are preserved and the queue's arguments are *not* 
updated (i.e. the definition for that queue is ignored). Queue arguments 
never change; the import / export definitions feature does not change that.

If you want to add a DLX to an existing queue you can do that with 
policies in 3.2.x: see "Configuration using policy" under 

Cheers, Simon

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