[rabbitmq-discuss] rabbitmq-c msg in queue can't be published

Michael Klishin michael.s.klishin at gmail.com
Mon Dec 16 09:29:51 GMT 2013

2013/12/16 3k4b251 <314992959 at qq.com>

> But  once  I send  a
> msg,  I can not  receive it.   So  I Check the  queue  by   rabbitmqctl.  I
> see    the  msg  in q123   who  had  not  been  published.   So  I  try  to
> remove the consumer:  amqp_basic_cancel(q123...)  and   request  the
> consumer             :amqp_basic_consume(q123....).  But  I  still  can
>  not
> receive  the  msg.
>    finally  I  restart  the  connection  to  MQ  server,  then  I   receive
> the msg.

Make sure that the queue is not auto-delete. Use management UI to find out
if the messages
are actually being routed and if the exchange type is indeed fanout. Make
sure your don't use
manual acknowledgements and configure basic.qos, or if you do, you ack or
reject messages

See RabbitMQ log if there are any exceptions. Use RabbitMQ tracer (ships
with the Java client)
to see what's being sent up and down the wire.

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