[rabbitmq-discuss] Periodic SSL connection timeout issues

Anand rashim_a at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 5 20:34:42 GMT 2013




We are facing periodic SSL connection timeout issues. Every 20-30 minutes 
we see Rabbit MQ SSL connection errors. Here are the sample logs:


=INFO REPORT==== 27-Nov-2013::20:22:13 ===

accepting AMQP connection <0.12604.35> ( ->




=INFO REPORT==== 27-Nov-2013::20:22:13 ===

accepting AMQP connection <0.12608.35> ( ->




=ERROR REPORT==== 27-Nov-2013::20:22:18 ===

error on AMQP connection <0.12604.35>: {ssl_upgrade_error,timeout} (unknown 
POSIX error)


=ERROR REPORT==== 27-Nov-2013::20:22:18 ===

error on AMQP connection <0.12608.35>: {ssl_upgrade_error,timeout} (unknown 
POSIX error)


Other than these periodic errors, everything works fine - the Rabbit MQ 
server accepts connections successfully most of the times.


Could you please help us figure out the root cause of this problem and any 
workarounds if any?


We are using the .NET client library to talk to the Rabbit MQ server and 
have enabled SSLs on the connections. We are using version 3.1.3 for the 
Rabbit MQ server as well as the client library. These connections were 
initiated from the same server hosting the Rabbit MQ server and use a built 
in Rabbit MQ account.




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