[rabbitmq-discuss] How messages route in a cluster

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Tue Dec 3 12:02:44 GMT 2013

On 03/12/13 11:43, woodslee wrote:
> first, message arrived in rabbit at host1, and
> because rabbit at host1 know the
> location where the Q1 is, and the message will be send to rabbit at host3
> by rabbit at host1 .


> but,if i use publish confirm, the confirm infomation is sent from:
> 1. rabbit at host3 send the confirm to rabbit at host1
> , and rabbit at host1 send  confirm to the publisher.


> 2. rabbit at host3 send the confirm to the publisher
> directly.

No - the publisher is not connected to rabbit at host3 so there's no way we 
could do this.

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, Pivotal

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