[rabbitmq-discuss] Looking for some specific & complete C# examples

Wizaerd wizaerd at gmail.com
Wed Jul 25 23:14:14 BST 2012

I took a look, and the first thing I noticed was that this example was not 
a request-reply pattern.

In another example I was pointed to: 
specifically in the RPCClient.cs file at line 31 is:

 BasicDeliverEventArgs ea =
            if (ea.BasicProperties.CorrelationId == corrId) {
                return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ea.Body);

This message is dequeued, then the CorrelationID doesn't match it just 
throws it away.  Is this really the correct way to do this?  because it 
seems to me that something is indeed waiting for that response, with that 
specific CorrelationId, and it will never actually get it.  Or is this a 
misrepresentation since in reality each request would get it's own ReplyTo 
queue, so the chances of getting a message with an incorrect CorrelationId 
wouldn;t happen?

On Monday, July 23, 2012 6:35:26 AM UTC-7, Christoph wrote:
> I'm not sure if you have already found these, but there are also Code 
> Examples of the book "RabbitMQ in Action" available on GitHub:  
> https://github.com/rabbitinaction/sourcecode/tree/master/csharp/appendix-a

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