[rabbitmq-discuss] Error installing/configuring Jsonrpc Channel plugin

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Mon Jan 23 10:55:11 GMT 2012

On 21/01/12 00:35, Sunil Agrawal wrote:
> Thanks Simon, that did the trick. Who can update the instructions on
> github so that it doesn't stumble the next guy. Hopefully should be a
> quick one.

I have done so.

> Where can I find information on all the commands and their arguments
> supported by JsonRpcChannel? Immediately I am looking for how to
> 'reject' or 'nack' a message and didn't find anything looking through
> the source code.

To be honest I haven't looked at JSON-RPC channel in ages but it aims to 
be a fairly close copy of AMQP.

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, VMware

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