[rabbitmq-discuss] [announcement] amqp gem 0.9.0 is released

Michael Klishin michael.s.klishin at gmail.com
Wed Jan 11 15:50:31 GMT 2012

amqp gem 0.9.0 is released to rubygems.org [1]. There were no changes between 0.9.0.pre3 and 0.9.0 final.
This release is completely backwards compatible with 0.8.x releases, all users are encouraged to upgrade.

== Bug fixes

* :default_routing_key value is now respected by AMQP::Exchange#initialize and AMQP::Exchange#publish. This is a rarely used feature but we saw one project relying on it, so it is now supported again.

== New features

* Automatic recovery mode [2] now works for publishers, see [3] and [4] for examples.

== CI status

Passing against every Ruby under the sun:


== Next version

Next version will be 1.0. Here's what we have in mind for it:

 * Separate publisher entities that will automatically use publisher confirms.
 * Exchange to exchange binding support (the only RabbitMQ-specific extension amqp gem still does not support)
 * Finish and document Ruby on Rails integration.
 * Documentation guide updates (see http://rubyamqp.info)
 * Features and public API methods deprecated in 0.8.0 will be *removed completely*.
 * Automated interoperability test suite (at least with Java and JVM-based clients like Hot Bunnies [5] and Langohr [6])

Have a good day.

1. https://rubygems.org/gems/amqp/versions/0.9.0
2. http://rubyamqp.info/articles/error_handling/#automatic_recovery
3. https://github.com/ruby-amqp/amqp/blob/master/examples/error_handling/hello_world_producer.rb
4. https://github.com/ruby-amqp/amqp/blob/master/examples/error_handling/automatically_recovering_hello_world_consumer.rb
5. https://github.com/ruby-amqp/hot_bunnies
6. https://github.com/michaelklishin/langohr



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