[rabbitmq-discuss] Newcomer to Rabbit seeks exchange-type advice

Mark Petrovic mspetrovic at gmail.com
Wed Jan 11 00:46:00 GMT 2012

I think I have a solution, better than one based on a header exchange
or the scheme I outline below.

It's basically this solution:


where the routing keys are the table names.  This gives me a single
consumer queue bound to mulitple routing keys, which gets my job done.

On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 2:20 PM, Mark Petrovic <mspetrovic at gmail.com> wrote:
> Talking to myself here (I have no problem with that :-)), I think I
> have at least one solution to this.
> - Create a single exchange E
> - The Publisher P creates a channel with a single queue and routing
> key with the same names as the Table T in question.
> - Publisher publishes a message to channel
> - The Consumer C1 iterates over the table names T1 and T2 he cares
> about and binds his channel to queues and routing keys with the same
> name as the table name iterated over
> - The Consumer C1 then starts a thread for each of these queues, and
> whose run() method calls channel.basicConsume(queueName, autoAck,
> rabbitConsumer)
> where rabbitConsumer extends com.rabbitmq.client.DefaultConsumer.
> While this seems to work, and is a bit easier to understand how to
> program than header exchanges (if a header exchange would even work
> for me - I wonder), I dont' like the thread-per-queue I need to spawn
> to handle messages inbound for each queue.
> What would be nice is if I could call channel.basicConsume(autoAck,
> rabbitConsumer), which would read messages off all the queues that
> were bound to that channel.
> While I have something working, I'm not yet real thrilled with my
> programming model.
> Anybody?
> Thanks!
> On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 10:28 AM, Mark Petrovic <mspetrovic at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello.
>> This note is longer than I thought it would be, but I do not believe
>> my situation is complicated.
>> I am a RabbitMQ newcomer and am trying to identify which exchange type
>> to use for my application.
>> I have a publisher P that needs to send messages about database table
>> updates.  A message will bear the name of a single table name,
>> followed by some opaque application data:
>> Logically,
>> message == tableName | somedata
>> So consider a simplified database with three tables of interest:  T1,
>> T2, and T3.
>> There are two consumers, C1 and C2.
>> C1 needs to receive all messages concerning tables T1 and T2.
>> C2 needs to receive all messages concerning tables T2 and T3.
>> By implication, C1 and C2 must both receive messages about T2, where
>> their interests overlap.
>> Ideally, I want to publish to a single exchange, and, therefore, my
>> consumers also bind to this same single exchange.  I say this because
>> in fact there are a lot more than three tables to treat - there are
>> almost 200.  A proliferation of exchanges per-table would be not good.
>> I am considering a topic or header exchange.
>> If a header exchange, I was thinking of the publisher P putting the
>> concerned table name in a "table header" and the consumers binding to
>> the exchange with an interest in receiving messages with a table
>> header value equal to T1, T2, or T3 (I believe x-match == any would be
>> appropriate when the consumer binds).  But some of my readings on
>> header exhchanges here
>> http://lists.rabbitmq.com/pipermail/rabbitmq-discuss/2011-January/010935.html
>> suggest that header exchanges may not be as useful as maybe the name
>> suggests.  Maybe I'm being overly paranoid.
>> And I consider topic exchanges because I know they admit messages
>> about T2 consumed by C1 still being available to C2.
>> Would someone be kind enough to suggest approaches to discern which
>> type of exchange to use.
>> Thank you very kindly.
>> --
>> Mark
> --
> Mark


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