[rabbitmq-discuss] Federation and upstream cluster

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Fri Dec 28 13:13:22 GMT 2012


On 28/12/12 12:40, Vladislav Pernin wrote:
> So you finally recommend to set a policy ha-mode all on the queue
> created in the upstream exchange's broker, like I did ?


> Otherwise, do you think that my setup is correct to make sure that the
> messages will arrive at the downstream exchange, not duplicated and
> without loss (publisher confirm excepted) ?

Yes, with one caveat...Rather than having an upstream set containing 
connection definitions for both upstream nodes, it would be better to 
have just one connection definition, to an upstream load balancer. 
Otherwise the order of messages cannot be preserved. There may be other 
undesirable behaviours when having multiple connections to the same 
logical upstream, though I'm not 100% sure.



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