[rabbitmq-discuss] are these features planned/do they already exist?

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Fri Sep 16 13:11:05 BST 2011


On 14/09/11 01:59, Praveen M wrote:
> 1) Ability to consume messages in bulk. I see that basic consume does a
> call back for each message..Is there an api to do the callback with a
> user defined bulk of messages?

There isn't. What is the use case?

> 2) Is there a way to publish a message with a delay? I mean, is there a
> way to publish a message with a delay and have the message consumed only
> after the delay expires?

No. Do you require the delay to be specified per message or would it 
suffice if the same delay was applied to all messages in a queue? The 
latter is something we have contemplated adding, though it's not on our 
near/medium term todo list.

> 3) Are dead-letter queues there yet?

No, but we are working on it. No ETA yet.

> and messages with TTL?

We introduced a per-queue message ttl setting a while ago. See 



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