[rabbitmq-discuss] Using .NET API 2.4.0 with RabbitMQ 2.6.1. No problems?

Alfonso Pantoja alfonso.pantoja at gmail.com
Fri Oct 7 10:36:46 BST 2011

We are running RabbitMQ 2.2.0 and our publishers/consumers are
using .NET API 2.4.0.
Because we are planning to upgrade to RabbitMQ 2.6.1 I'm wondering if
we could use API 2.6.1 with RabbitMQ 2.2.0 during the migration phases
(update all consumers/services with 2.6.1 and after the broker will be

I'm testing the 2.6.1 API against RabbitMQ 2.2.0 and it seems
everything is ok, however I don't know if I'm missing something
important that could lead to a malfunction or to unexpected client
(for example, we are publishing this way txSelect; BasicPublish;
txCommit -which still works-)

Thank you in advance.



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