[rabbitmq-discuss] Debugging AD

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Wed Nov 30 17:41:54 GMT 2011

On 30/11/11 16:44, Ben Hood wrote:
> I now have a follow up question: is it possible to create two
> different groups in LDAP and assign them different levels of
> privileges within the Management frontend?

Yes - see 

> I was thinking of having a group for admins who can do anything, and a
> group for people who should be able to look at statistical info, but
> can't do anything that would cause any messages to get binned (such as
> queue/exchange deletions, queue purges or queue binds/unbinds).

So the second group needs to have a tag_queries such that they get the 
"monitoring" tag, and a resource_access_query that restricts them 
from... well, from doing almost anything I guess.

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, VMware

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