[rabbitmq-discuss] rabbitmq-management plugin crashes clustered rabbit 2.4.1

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Tue May 31 15:49:32 BST 2011

On 31/05/11 15:46, Charly Hamy wrote:
> you seem to be running your nodes on the same server. Maybe the problem
> is that only one management plugin can run on a single machine, because
> only on plugin may be listening to the port where the UI is avaiblable.

No, Ian has been in touch by private email and he's seeing a real 
problem. Not sure what the problem is yet but at least I have a 
meaningful error now.

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
Staff Engineer, RabbitMQ
SpringSource, a division of VMware

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