[rabbitmq-discuss] rabbitmq-management plugin crashes clustered rabbit 2.4.1

Charly Hamy charly.hamy at gmail.com
Tue May 31 15:46:40 BST 2011


you seem to be running your nodes on the same server. Maybe the problem is
that only one management plugin can run on a single machine, because only on
plugin may be listening to the port where the UI is avaiblable.

You could try to load that plugin on one node only.

For this, set different "*RABBITMQ_PLUGINS_DIR" for your nodes: for exemple
you could have one "plugins" directory with the management plugin (and its
dependencies) - used by one of your nodes - and another with the "management
agent" plugin only - for the other nodes.*
*Hope this will help.*

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 4:22 PM, Ian Patton <ian.patton at gmail.com> wrote:

> When running a rabbit cluster, the first node that includes the plugin
> starts up fine.

> Any additional nodes crash on startup. Moving the plugin out of the plugins
> folder allows rabbit to start fine. Running the agent alone is not a
> problem.
> I have seen this mentioned in the mailing lists since 2.4.1 came out, but I
> have not seen any follow-up providing a fix.  Any feedback welcome.
> Thanks,
> --
> C. Ian Patton
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