[rabbitmq-discuss] RPC

Steven Taylor taylste at gmail.com
Fri May 20 23:34:35 BST 2011

Hi Simone,

thanks.  That's really helpful.

Also, I like your "Run<ProjectX.Runner>(args);" idea.  That's quite neat.
On 20 May 2011 19:15, Simone Busoli <simone.busoli at gmail.com> wrote:

>    Hi Steven, I've written the tutorials in C# here
> http://code.google.com/p/mexexp/source/browse/trunk/RabbitMQ
> On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 19:58, Steven Taylor <taylste at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is there an example for the RpcClient and the RpcServer classes
>> (SimpleRpcClient / SimpleRpcServer).  Is it advistable to use these classes?
>> Alternatively, there's this tutorial
>> http://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/tutorial-six-python.html ... but I
>> don't know python.  I'm not following the "rpc_client.py" portion.
>> Here's a guess.  def on_response is defining an event.
>> "return int(self.response)" waits until the result of "def on_response"
>> is fired?  If the correlation match fails, execution doesn't return to "
>> return int(self.response)"
>> btw: I shouldn't guess.
>> Is there a C# or Java version?
>> thanks,
>> -Steven
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