[rabbitmq-discuss] queue supervisor and recovery takes 10 mins

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Sun Mar 13 12:11:32 GMT 2011


RishiDev wrote:
> In my local rabbitmq installation "starting queue supervisor and queue
> recovery" takes about 10+ mins while starting the server. Most likely
> it is because I have about 9000+ msgs (each ~3MB) sitting in one of
> the queues.

How are you shutting down rabbit? If when starting rabbit a message like

=WARNING REPORT==== 13-Mar-2011::12:08:18 ===
msg_store_persistent: rebuilding indices from scratch

appears in the rabbit.log file then rabbit wasn't shut down cleanly and 
start up will take a while to recover the messages.

If, by contrast, rabbit was shut down cleanly, e.g. with 'rabbitmqctl 
stop', then the subsequent start up should be near instantaneous.


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