[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ Configuration Files

Lionel Cons lionel.cons at cern.ch
Wed Feb 2 17:08:16 GMT 2011

I'm trying to understand how RabbitMQ can be configured from a set of
files and/or scripts. I don't need a GUI, I just need to be able to
instantiate a broker on an empty machine.

According to the doc, there are two main files: rabbitmq.conf (to set
some environment variables) and rabbitmq.config (with Erlang syntax).

Out of all the things that can be configured, are there some that
cannot be defined in one of these two files? rabbitmq.config seems to
be all-mighty but a previous answer
seems to indicate that scripting is needed for ACLs, at least.

The doc for rabbitmq.config
(http://www.rabbitmq.com/install.html#configfile) is rather short. Not
knowing the internals, it is quite difficult to find out what can be
configured. Is there a documented list of all the things that can be
set in this file?

Is there a way to tell a configured broker to dump its configuration
in the same syntax as the rabbitmq.config file? (like iptables-save
and iptables-restore do for firewall configuration)


Lionel Cons

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