[rabbitmq-discuss] Vorpal Bunny 0.4 Released

Gavin M. Roy gmr at myyearbook.com
Wed Apr 27 06:09:33 BST 2011

Wow, my client really mucked the example up:
> // Include VorpalBunny
> require_once( "vorpalbunny.php" );
> // Create a new instance that knows where to connect to
> $vb = new VorpalBunny( 'localhost', 55672, 'guest', 'guest', '/' );
> // Our Basic.Properties array
> $properties = arrray();
> $properties['content-type'] = "text/plain";
> $properties['app-id'] = 'example.php';
> // Publish a message
> $vb->publish( "demo_exchange", "my-routing-key", "Hello World!", $properties ); 
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