[rabbitmq-discuss] Thoughts from a new user

Alexis Richardson alexis at rabbitmq.com
Thu Sep 23 22:50:48 BST 2010

Adam, everyone,

What are your thoughts on this thread?  Is this helping?


On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 1:22 PM, David Wragg <david at rabbitmq.com> wrote:
> Adam Nelson <adam at varud.com> writes:
>>  * Please don't tell Mac users to use MacPorts:
>> http://www.rabbitmq.com/macports.html It's time to move them to HomeBrew at
>> http://github.com/mxcl/homebrew
> I'm not a frequent OS X user.  I do have some experience with macports,
> but it's been mixed.  So I like to think I have a fairly objective view
> on the macports vs. homebrew thing (that being, they are both vastly
> inferior to current Linux package systems :-)
> So with that said:
> I think we'd be happy to endorse homebrew alongside or instead of
> macports, *if* it achieves parity with the rabbitmq-server port, and the
> rabbitmq-server packages on Linuxes.  That means:
> - The formula should be called rabbitmq-server
> - It should create and use a rabbitmq user/group, and include the
>  wrapper scripts to support this.
> - It should have some way to run as an automatically started daemon.
> - It should include the man pages (on-line documentation is great, man
>  pages are too, we have both, and we want the man pages to be provided
>  with the packages).
> - We need to have a way to distribute an update package when we make a
>  new release, for users that are willing to bypass the central
>  repository.
> We've made all this work for macports; it's unlikely we are going to
> repeat that effort for homebrew (unless macports dies or something).
> But if someone in the community wants to work on getting the homebrew
> formula into the same shape, that would be great.  We could work with
> them to integrate it into our build/release process.
> David
> --
> David Wragg
> Staff Engineer, RabbitMQ
> SpringSource, a division of VMware
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