[rabbitmq-discuss] Startup errors redux

Matthew Sackman matthew at rabbitmq.com
Fri May 21 09:46:21 BST 2010

On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 08:18:55AM +0100, David Wragg wrote:
> This suggests you have an old version of erlang (prior to R11B5, which
> is the earliest 1.7.2 supports).  How did you install erlang, and
> which version is it?

http://erlang.org/documentation.html says 5.5.2 is R11B2 which is
ancient. As David says, 1.7.2 will not run on anything older than R11B5,
and future releases demand at least R12B3 (this is already the case if
you're compiling from source).


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