[rabbitmq-discuss] Firewall Issues

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Wed May 12 11:11:32 BST 2010


Kenneth Loafman wrote:
> P1 and P2 both connect to MQ, there are no connections from MQ to Px.
> MQ collects data from the web and queues it to the Px instances.  We're
> using Python Carrot for access, which is based on amqplib.
> Most of the data flows from MQ to Px, however some status and alert data
> flows from Px to MQ for queuing to other processes.

When you attempt to connect from P2, does the connection show up in the 
rabbit.log? There should be messages like

INFO REPORT==== 10-May-2010::18:27:25 ===
accepted TCP connection on from <P2-ip-addr>:38557

=INFO REPORT==== 10-May-2010::18:27:25 ===
starting TCP connection <0.13252.0> from <P2-ip-addr>:38557

Does connecting to port 5672 on MQ from Px using something like 'telnet' 



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