[rabbitmq-discuss] STOMP support - production ready?

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Wed May 5 16:32:20 BST 2010


Daniel Pittman wrote:
> I see that there is a bit of Debian packaging ephemera in the stomp Mercurial
> repository, and that the rabbitmq-public-umbrella module also includes some
> support for it.
> I couldn't see, though, any advice on the site or the list archives about how
> best to go ahead and build a Debian package for the extension.
> Is that documented somewhere, or am I going to have to troll through the build
> system and work that out myself?

The latter, I'm afraid.

We are planning to make binary releases of some plug-ins available, but 
that is still some way off.



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