[rabbitmq-discuss] rabbitMQ/Beam only using one core.

Davis, Jeremy jdavis at gridpoint.com
Wed Feb 24 19:26:08 GMT 2010

Upgraded erlang and all was fine.

From: Davis, Jeremy
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 5:58 PM
To: 'rabbitmq-discuss at lists.rabbitmq.com'
Subject: rabbitMQ/Beam only using one core.

I have put together a simple producer (in java) that tries to push through as much data as possible.
I create many threads, and each has its own connection, own direct exchange, and own queue.
No matter how many connections, threads, exchanges, or queues, 'top' shows a single beam process at 100%, with remaining 7 cores idle.

I am running 1.7.2 on ubuntu hardy-heron.

Any thoughts?

//Simplified java below:

    private static ConnectionFactory    factory     = null;

    public RabbitMqProducer()
        ConnectionParameters params = new ConnectionParameters();
        factory = new ConnectionFactory(params);

    public static String getExchangeName( int id )
        return( "rabbitTestExchange-" + id );

    public static String getQueueName( int id )
        return( "rabbitTestQueue-" + id );

    public void go()
        throws Exception
        List<Writer> writers = new ArrayList<Writer>();
        for( int x=0;x<numThreads;x++)
            writers.add(new Writer(x));
        for( int x=0;x<numThreads;x++)

    private final class Writer
        extends Thread
        private final int id;
        private Connection  connection  = null;
        private Channel     channel     = null;

        public Writer( int id)
            throws Exception
            this.id = id;

        public void connect()
            throws Exception
            connection  = factory.newConnection(hostName, portNumber);
            channel     = connection.createChannel();
            boolean durable = true;
            AMQP.Exchange.DeclareOk eok = channel.exchangeDeclare( getExchangeName(id), "direct", durable );
            AMQP.Queue.DeclareOk qok = channel.queueDeclare(getQueueName(id), durable);
            AMQP.Queue.BindOk    bok = channel.queueBind(getQueueName(id), getExchangeName(id), getQueueName(id) );

        public void send()
            throws Exception
            boolean mandatory = true;  //Returns error if can't send to queue. (and persisted for example).
            boolean immediate = false; //if true, error if can't be consumer immediately.
            StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder( msg.toString() );
            byte[] data = b.toString().getBytes();

            for( int x=0;x<numRecords;x++)
                AMQP.BasicProperties props = new AMQP.BasicProperties();
                props.setDeliveryMode(2); //persistent message.
                channel.basicPublish(getExchangeName(id), getQueueName(id), mandatory, immediate, props, data);
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