[rabbitmq-discuss] Silverlight application with RabbitMQ

Michael Bridgen mikeb at lshift.net
Tue Apr 27 09:54:35 BST 2010

> - Used Kaazing (http://www.kaazing.com/), a gateway to use Sockets with 
> different languages (Silverlight, JavaScript, …). The problem here is 
> that Kaazing only works with version 0.9.0 or 0.9.1 of the AMQP 
> protocol, but RabbitMQ is only available with version 0.8.0.

There is a fairly stable, just not-yet-official branch of RabbitMQ that 
supports AMQP 0-9-1.  See https://dev.rabbitmq.com/wiki/Amqp091

> We also have in mind two other possible approaches:
> - Build a web service between the Silverlight client and RabbitMQ. But 
> we want to avoid polling as this would decrease the responsiveness. This 
> is why we want to connect straight to RabbitMQ from the Silverlight client.

You might also look at the Rabbit JSON RPC adapter, though this may 
suffer from the same "textiness" that the STOMP adapter does.

> - Get the RabbitMQ client Project to compile against the Silverlight 
> runtime. This is not undoable, but requires some work. Would someone be 
> interested in a Silverlight version of the RabbitMQ client?

A Silverlight client would be great to see!  How much work do you think 
this involves, and what are the main obstacles -- are there classes that 
substitute for those that are missing?


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