[rabbitmq-discuss] Return of 'getting started, broker runs; can't get status'

Paul Jones pauljones23 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 22 12:36:52 BST 2009

We're starting to run low on ideas, but here are a few others that can be

   - Change the RABBITMQ_NODENAME in the rabbitmq-server script to
   rabbit at localhost (or some other predictable host name), and then use the
   -n flag on rabbitmqctl to force it as well.
   - Try doing a sudo killall epmd and sudo killall beam.smp - it is very
   unlikely, but perhaps the process mapper daemon has gotten into a mess
   (alternatively, you could reboot, but I don't really like suggesting that
   for Mac OS X)

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 12:09 PM, J Aaron Farr <farra at apache.org> wrote:

> On Tue 22 Sep 2009 18:59, J Aaron Farr <farra at apache.org> wrote:
> > I ssh back into the laptop (activemq at and run the command
> > directly as the activemq user.  I'm certain I'm that user and that my
> > path is sane.
> s/activemq/rabbitmq
> sorry about that.
> --
>   J. Aaron Farr
>   馮傑仁
>   www.cubiclemuses.com
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