[rabbitmq-discuss] Monitoring an AMQP Exchange/Queue in Java...Problem with passive creation
Boisson, Franck
Franck.Boisson at mlp.com
Thu Sep 17 02:10:06 BST 2009
Here is my problem (quickly explained on the rabbitmq IRC channel):
21:48:29 | <Franckyky> Hello guys
21:48:56 | <Franckyky> Do you know how to monitor an exchange or a queue
in order to detect when it goes down ?
21:49:42 | <Franckyky> for the moment, I am doing it every 5 sec: create
a tmp channel, try to declare the queue/exchange with passive=true,
abort the tmp channel
21:50:07 | <Franckyky> This is working for a moment but seems that
sometimes it fail
21:50:26 | <Franckyky> without any reason (when I look on the rabbitmq
server, exchange/queue is still alive)
21:50:29 | <Franckyky> any idea?
Hereunder is my isExchangeExists java function as an exemple of what I
am doing:
public boolean isExchangeExists(String exchangeId, String exchangeType)
throws Exception{
boolean toReturn = true;
Channel tmpChannel = null;
tmpChannel = this.amqpMainConnection.createChannel();
}catch(Exception exc){
throw new Exception ("Unable to create a temporary channel to
check if exchange " +
exchangeId + " exists [" + exc.getMessage()
+ "]");
// Try to create the exchange as passive (will raise an exception
if not exists)
tmpChannel.exchangeDeclare(exchangeId, exchangeType, true, false,
false, null); //exchange, type, passive, durable, autoDelete, arguments
}catch(Exception exc){
toReturn = false;
try{ tmpChannel.abort(); }catch(Exception unmanagedExc){}
tmpChannel = null;
return toReturn;
Do you have any idea about what is happening here?
Best regards
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