[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ with Chef

Dmitriy Samovskiy dmitriy.samovskiy at cohesiveft.com
Thu May 28 15:15:31 BST 2009

Hi Aymerick,

Aymerick Jéhanne wrote:
>>> I'm trying to deploy rabbitmq using Chef
>>> (http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Home
>>> ).
>>> I have a strange issue on one of my servers... I have the error
>>> message "Failed to create thread: Resource temporarily unavailable
>>> (11)" while executing "/etc/init.d/rabbitmq-server status".
> I'm a running on an EC2 instance.
> I don't think this is a Chef issue, because it only outputs the STDOUT  
> of "/etc/init.d/rabbitmq-server status".
> It looks more like an issue with erlang.

I would first try to eliminate chef from the equation.

Try starting, stopping and getting a status of rabbit from command line. If that works, 
then you'll know it's somehow related to chef.

I personally also think it's an issue with erlang. Did you compile it yourself? If yes, 
did you specify --enable-threads? Not sure how important that might be and what it would 
look like if that option was not there.

You could also try "erl +A30" from command line - does it start normally into erlang 
prompt or does it fail? It starts on my box, so I guess a failure would indicate something 
wrong with erlang.

These are just guesses though.

- Dmitriy

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