[rabbitmq-discuss] millions of unack'd messages in a day-- disk store instead of ram?

Brian Sullivan bsullivan at lindenlab.com
Fri May 8 18:41:07 BST 2009

Hi Matthew,

On Apr 30, 2009, at 8:29 AM, Matthew Sackman wrote:

> [snip] Beware though that the broker you are using could have internal
> messages timeout on it - this was fixed in bug 20546 which is in our
> "default" development branch, not the stable "v1_5" branch. As such,  
> you
> may see messages coming out of the broker which indicate strange  
> timeouts
> occurred. [snip]

Would this timeout error you mention possibly be the reason I have  
seen this error crop up once every few days?  If so, do you know when  
the fix will make it to the stable branch?

=INFO REPORT==== 1-May-2009::16:29:00 ===
starting TCP connection <0.17070.115> from

=ERROR REPORT==== 1-May-2009::19:09:53 ===
connection <0.17070.115> (running), channel 1 - error:

=WARNING REPORT==== 1-May-2009::19:09:53 ===
Non-AMQP exit reason '{{timeout,{gen_server,call,[<0.17078.115>,stat]}},

=INFO REPORT==== 1-May-2009::19:09:53 ===
closing TCP connection <0.17070.115> from


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