[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ heavy queue managing

Lev Walkin vlm at lionet.info
Mon Jun 1 14:29:00 BST 2009


My RabbitMQ (hg head) exhibits the following behavior: its
CPU usage grows from 20% to 99% in about two days, where a
persister log grows from about 1 megabyte to 15 megabytes.

During times when AMQ is 99% loaded it is still responsive,
although performance is severely degraded so it becomes mandatory
to do something with it.

In the initial, 20% CPU "after start" load the numbers are the

Rough statistics:

     1   durable, persistent topic exchange
     100 persistent queues with no data stored for too long
         (removed quickly, the queue length is always at 0)
     50  persistent queues with about 100 to 500 1k messages TOTAL
	(0-15 messages in each), which are not drained for
	hours, if not days
     10  events per second sustained going through persistent
         queues (those which are drained quickly)
     50  events per second going through a single transient queue
         with multiple subscribers
     1   event every 10 minutes goes to one of those permanent queues
         which are not drained at all.

[vlm at tamq ~]> date; rabbitmqctl list_queues | awk '{sum += $2} END 
{print NR, sum}'
Mon Jun  1 06:05:29 PDT 2009
153 104
[vlm at tamq ~]>

The server CPU load is correlated to the TOTAL number of events in the
"never drained" queues. So the growth from 100 to 500 undrained 1k
events in those "never drained" queues gives me 20% -> 99% increase in 
CPU load.

The persister logs are filled with 100 kilobytes per second, and rotated
every few seconds (once the rabbit_persister.LOG is filled, it gets
renamed in a couple of seconds into .previous, then everything starts anew).

[vlm at tamq /js-kit/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit]> date; ls -al; sleep 1; date; 
ls -al rabbit_persister.LOG*
Mon Jun  1 06:00:05 PDT 2009
total 2232
drwxr-xr-x  2 www  wheel     1024 Jun  1 05:59 .
drwxr-xr-x  8 www  wheel      512 Jun  1 05:24 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 www  wheel      153 Jun  1 05:57 DECISION_TAB.LOG
-rw-r--r--  1 www  wheel     1531 Jun  1 05:59 LATEST.LOG
-rw-r--r--  1 www  wheel        8 May  3 23:43 rabbit_config.DCD
-rw-r--r--  1 www  wheel       87 Jun  1 05:24 rabbit_durable_exchange.DCD
-rw-r--r--  1 www  wheel      445 Jun  1 05:27 rabbit_durable_exchange.DCL
-rw-r--r--  1 www  wheel    13931 Jun  1 05:54 rabbit_durable_queue.DCD
-rw-r--r--  1 www  wheel      587 Jun  1 05:57 rabbit_durable_queue.DCL
-rw-r--r--  1 www  wheel    19442 Jun  1 05:54 rabbit_durable_route.DCD
-rw-r--r--  1 www  wheel     2009 Jun  1 05:57 rabbit_durable_route.DCL
-rw-r--r--  1 www  wheel   866427 Jun  1 06:00 rabbit_persister.LOG
-rw-r--r--  1 www  wheel  1308162 Jun  1 05:59 rabbit_persister.LOG.previous
-rw-r--r--  1 www  wheel      125 May  4 00:01 rabbit_user.DCD
-rw-r--r--  1 www  wheel      183 May  4 00:01 rabbit_user_permission.DCD
-rw-r--r--  1 www  wheel      124 May  4 00:01 rabbit_vhost.DCD
-rw-r--r--  1 www  wheel    12367 May  3 23:43 schema.DAT

Mon Jun  1 06:00:06 PDT 2009
-rw-r--r--  1 www  wheel  1163116 Jun  1 06:00 rabbit_persister.LOG
-rw-r--r--  1 www  wheel  1308162 Jun  1 05:59 rabbit_persister.LOG.previous
[vlm at tamq /js-kit/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit]>

My guess is that RabbitMQ does not like high-performance
persistent queue operations while other persistent queues contain
non-zero queues.

Having such 20% -> 99% dynamics is not acceptable for me. Moreover,
having consistently 1-10 mb persister log for somewhat 100 persistent
messages does seem like an excess and a promises potential for
I would like to use RabbitMQ as a persistent mechanism capable of
holding 10-50 megabytes of 1k messages (50000 messages) until delivery,
the current situation seems two orders of magnitude worse than acceptable.

My question is what would you recommend doing with it? Or, better,
would someone be open to fix it, perhaps for a bit of money?

Lev Walkin
vlm at lionet.info

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