[rabbitmq-discuss] Installation help

Dmitriy Samovskiy dmitriy.samovskiy at cohesiveft.com
Thu Jan 29 23:16:16 GMT 2009

Hi Matthias,

Matthias Radestock wrote:
> Sorry to hear it was a struggle. Is there something missing, wrong or 
> unclear in our installation instructions at 
> http://www.rabbitmq.com/install.html?

Another problem might be coming from the fact that if you want to install your own build 
of erlang, people usually tend to do it outside of packaging framework (unless they are 
like me, who works for a company that does some packaging for living).

So you end up with erlang outside of package control system. And then if you attempt to 
install rabbitmq-server deb (or I suspect rpm), apt-get (or yum, respectively) will want 
to install erlang-nox (or its rpm equivalent), which will either conflict with your build 
of erlang in /usr or will install a second build of erlang (if you put your in 
/usr/local). As a result, some might choose source tarball over a packaged rabbit to avoid 
this mess altogether.

I wish there was better way but maybe erlang dependency can be removed from package's 
declared dependencies (rpm and deb at least)? This will allow rabbitmq-server package to 
work with erlang from OS or your own build, as long as erl is in your PATH. And maybe 
modify all scripts to check for erl in PATH...

- Dmitriy

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