[rabbitmq-discuss] Installation help

Matthias Radestock matthias at lshift.net
Thu Jan 29 22:54:53 GMT 2009


Michael Steinfeld wrote:
>>> but I set ERLANG_HOME=/usr/local/lib/erlang/lib (you had
>>> /usr/local/lib/erlang)
>> That sounds wrong. However, none of the rabbit scripts depend on that
>> setting directly.
> Yeah it does, but I could've sworn that is what the docs said, I just
> checked and they don't say that at all :)

You weren't imagining it - I removed the misleading reference to 
ERLANG_HOME only a few moments ago :)

>> Sorry to hear it was a struggle. Is there something missing, wrong or
>> unclear in our installation instructions at
>> http://www.rabbitmq.com/install.html?
> Well I don't know. Being that the server would run but none of the
> tools worked, it would've been more helpful if there was reference to
> this badrpc error. I had no idea where to look, although you guys were
> helpful on the list, it didn't solve my issues. Like I said, I just
> ending up installing from source and that seems to work fine.

I see. If you can reproduce the error you were encountering, it would be 
great if you sent us a transcript of your install, the server startup, 
and the attempts to use the scripts. Once we have figured out what the 
actual problem was we can then think of how to amend the documentation.



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