[rabbitmq-discuss] spec scope question

Martin Sustrik sustrik at imatix.com
Wed Jan 7 15:29:26 GMT 2009


There's no way to do such thing.

When AMQP was designed one of the principles was "zero config" i.e. that 
it should be possible to run AMQP broker with no configuration and that 
applications should start running immediately.

This means that applications have to define the data flows themselves 
(using exchange/queue/bind semantics).

My feeling is that this design decision was rather unfortunate - exactly 
for the reason you've mentioned: The definition of global data flow is 
scattered across all the application code in the enterprise and thus 
virtually impossible to collect, inspect, reason about, modify etc.

Btw, I would suggest asking questions related to AMQP as a specification 
on amqp-dev mailing list. You'll get larger audience that way :)


Tim Coote wrote:
> Does the scope of AMQP cover the management of the environment. Here's  
> a typical usecase:
> Context: my standards use an enterprise pubsub bus, based on AMQP so  
> that producers and consumers can be decoupled in my app dev process. I  
> have 50k servers with 1k application types in my estate. I cannot  
> trust my inventory and configuration for my business applications and  
> I have poor quality information on dependencies/composition between/of  
> applications
> - I want to retire application X
> - How do I know what are the consumers of Application X's  published  
> data so that I can re-source the data for the dependent systems, if  
> there are any.
> I know that this is a real problem for the operations groups and  
> applications owners in large enterprises.  It doesn't get better with  
> time ;-)
> If the spec doesn't define how I'd find all consumers of data of a  
> given type, then I'm going to have to build that functionality as part  
> of my deployment. (actually, probably later, when I realise how much  
> money I'm wasting on data centres)
> I couldn't find anything relevant in 10.
> Tim
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