[rabbitmq-discuss] Stomp frame not terminated with null character

Tony Garnock-Jones tonyg at lshift.net
Thu Sep 18 17:59:57 BST 2008

Hi Jonatan,

Jonatan Kallus wrote:
> Problem is that the frames sent back from rabbitmq does not seem to be
> terminated with a null character. The 'CONNECTED' frame ends with an
> empty line and the 'MESSAGE' frame just ends.

That's strange. How have you determined this? The code in 
stomp_frame.erl always generates a NUL byte for transmission, and other 
STOMP clients seem to have no trouble.

> Is this an issue with my configuration or me losing the null character
> in some way between the server and the client?

My guess is the latter, but I have no suggestions as to how it might be 
taking place!

> As a side note, the examples in the stomp protocol definition shows a
> space between <key>: and <value>, whereas the stomp gateway
> interpreted 'login: guest' as a log in try with the username ' guest',
> thus failing.

Good point. This was pointed out recently by someone else, too. It's a 
bug in my STOMP framing implementation, I think (although the protocol 
spec is perhaps a bit ambiguous).


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