[rabbitmq-discuss] project idea for final year project

Alexis Richardson alexis.richardson at cohesiveft.com
Thu Oct 30 18:19:48 GMT 2008


On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 5:04 PM, shashi fernando <shash4evr at gmail.com> wrote:
> thank you guys for the ideas. since im newbie to this environment, i have
> very little knowledge regarding the erlang/OTP platform and WS-Man (but im
> going to lookin into them). Therefore can you please provide a more
> ellobaration on followings ,so than i can get the exact idea and work on it.
> 1. find a way to expose the most important ones to non-erlang users.
>     what the importance of such exposure ?

It would mean that anyone (not just erlang users) could use the
management features, making them more useful and probably easier to
integrate into other systems.

> 2. WS-Man is too complicated and that providing a RESTful interface
>    would be better.  Certainly RabbitMQ would be a good harness to show
>    such an invention.

You could look at WS-Man and choose a small, simple subset of common
management actions that are deemed language neutral by the WS
community.  You could then devise an interface using HTTP-REST.
Because RabbitMQ likes to be managed it would be a good place to
showcase this.


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