[rabbitmq-discuss] amqp_rpc_client and lib_amqp

lenz norbu09 at googlemail.com
Fri Oct 3 03:04:10 BST 2008

i have somehow clumsy fingers. i try to get a test script working that uses
the erlang rpc client and lib_amqp but i fail miserably. is there somewhere
a short snippet that actually uses those two libs to post messages to
rabbit? my (very short) test thingy looks currently like that (many
iterations old though)




-export([channel/0, broker/0, start/0]).

channel() ->
    {ok, Channel}.

broker ()->
    {ok, Channel} = channel(),
    Broker = #broker_config{channel_pid = Channel},
    {ok, Broker}.

start() ->
    {ok, Broker} = broker(),
    amqp_rpc_client:start(Broker, <<"Hessian">>).


thanks for all hints in the right direction :-)

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