[rabbitmq-discuss] odd consumer behaviour

David.Corcoran at edftrading.com David.Corcoran at edftrading.com
Fri May 2 14:47:36 BST 2008


Thanks again Matthias. That sounds perfect. In some other message queue
systems I've come across prefetching happens behind the scenes no matter
what methods you call and I was hoping that didn't happen with RabbitMq.

I'll give basic.get a try.



             <matthias at lshift.                                          To 
             net>                      David.Corcoran at edftrading.com       
             Sent by:                                                   cc 
             rabbitmq-discuss-         rabbitmq-discuss at lists.rabbitmq.com 
             bounces at lists.rab                                     Subject 
             bitmq.com                 Re: [rabbitmq-discuss] odd consumer 
             02/05/2008 12:19                                              


David.Corcoran at edftrading.com wrote:
> I think I've hit a problem with prefetching and RabbitMQ. Do you think
> might be the case?

As I said in my previous email: "the RpcServer [...] will actually
consume messages from the underlying AMQP queue as fast as it can
without waiting for them to be processed."

So in effect the RpcServer is doing prefetching.

The easiest way to change that is to switch the way the RpcServer gets
the messages from a push to a pull model, i.e. using AMQP's basic.get
rather than basic.consume.


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