[rabbitmq-discuss] Queue info

Ben Hood 0x6e6562 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 14:56:48 GMT 2008


On 3 Mar 2008, at 10:15, Michael Arnoldus wrote:

> Ben,
> Currently we're using Python.
> Yes, I understand and appreciate your use of Hessian to go language  
> neutrality. The only reason I have for changing this to something  
> human readable is, that it makes it possible for me to use an  
> already existing command-line client that is able to send and  
> receive from AMQP - and I have this fantasy that most people would  
> have such a command-line thingy - and it would be an extremely neat  
> way to do almost all communication with the server.

I take your point.

Have you considered a layered approach to this problem?

For example:

Rabbit Server

| Command Line      |
|      CLI Parser          |
----------------------------						  ----------------------------
|  API Method            |						 |     API Invocation     |
----------------------------						  ----------------------------
| Hessian Encoding |    					 | Hessian Decoding |
----------------------------						  ----------------------------
|       AMQP                 | ----------wire--------------> |        
AMQP                 |
----------------------------						  ----------------------------

That way you wouldn't need to write any server-side parsing and  
response generation, and you can piggy back off an already existing  

All you would have to do is create the API definition in Python, but  
this is just copying the Erlang module interface definition to Python.  
All of the marshaling and unmarshaling is done for you.



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