[rabbitmq-discuss] rabbitmq dying

David.Corcoran at edftrading.com David.Corcoran at edftrading.com
Thu Jun 19 09:06:16 BST 2008

"Ben Hood" <0x6e6562 at gmail.com> wrote on 19/06/2008 00:10:36:

> Dave,
> From what you describe, this shouldn't really be an issue for Rabbit.
> 50K messages should not really be a problem, so it would be good to be
> able to recreate this. I will try to write a test scenario to try to
> provoke this, but the more input I get the better in helping me
> reproduce this.

Morning Ben,

I'll try to reproduce it with a small test myself. The message "Mnesia is
overloaded" seems to hit sometimes when the message queue length is only
200,000 or so. Is this normal? Or perhaps the better questions is when does
Mnesia become overloaded? Does it need more disk or maybe more memory? Btw,
our queues are 'non-durable'.

> There is a *nicer* way to shut a client down, but at the end of the
> day, the server *should* be able to handle any type of behaviour from
> a client.

Yeah, we could be polite to our clients and let them shutdown nicely but
because they're stateless we've always done it this way. If the patch isn't
available in time I can have a look into it.



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