[rabbitmq-discuss] Queue info

Tony Garnock-Jones tonyg at lshift.net
Thu Feb 28 08:36:02 GMT 2008

Alexis Richardson wrote:
> What would people most like to see?  One idea would be to expose
> functions remotely over queues (as reified RPC messages) and then use
> the AMQP, STOMP or HTTP interfaces externally.  Another approach would
> be to use one of the GUI tools, one of the prototype flex clients.

I really like that idea of exposing server-internal interfaces over an 
AMQP transport and layering tools over top of various AMQP client 
libraries or adapters. I wouldn't go for a GUI to begin with, but that's 
just my cantankerous unix dinosaurhood, perhaps :-)

Ben Hood has made a promising start in this direction: see 
for some details.


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