[rabbitmq-discuss] erlang-client problem on OS X (empty_rpc_bottom_half)

Matt Stancliff sysop at mindspring.com
Thu Dec 11 08:29:32 GMT 2008


On Dec 10, 2008, at 3:05 AM, Ben Hood wrote:
> This version (the default branch) does not handle the channel.flow
> command. Are you running both clients (i.e. client on Linux, client on
> OSX) against the same broker?

   I just spent a while testing brokers to make sure I'm not going  

   With the same revision (ba92db335a3e) running on two systems I'm  
seeing different behavior during start_channel.

With broker ba92db335a3e and erlang client a055acaa2a13 I see the  
   - Linux: channel.open_ok -> done.
   - OS X:  channel.open_ok -> {channel.flow, false} -> done.

Everything works, but the inconsistent behavior is curious.

Matt Stancliff                    San Jose, CA
AIM: seijimr              iPhone: 678-591-9337
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it." --Alan Kay

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