[rabbitmq-discuss] Urgently Need help to get RabbitMQ publishing to Flex-based subscriber

Pete Kay petedao at gmail.com
Sat Aug 30 03:34:47 BST 2008


I am sorry for emailing my question a few times.  I need to get Flex to
successful establish connection with RabbitMQ inside my Flex application in
order to position the use of RabbitMQ in our application.  I can establish a
AMPQ to AMPQ connection using Java client for both publisher and subscriber,
but I am not able to use Flex as the subscriber.  I know I may try using FM3
to act as the subscriber, but I still think the best and most straight
forward solution is to have Flex client to subscribe directly to RabbitMQ.

RabbitMQ.log says:

*error on TCP connection <0.8716.0> from*

Here is my code, could someone help me to find out what is wrong?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
    layout="absolute" styleName="plain"  creationComplete="init()">
     import org.amqp.patterns.impl.SubscribeClientImpl;
        import org.amqp.patterns.SubscribeClient;
       import org.amqp.Connection;
      import org.amqp.ConnectionState;
     import org.amqp.patterns.CorrelatedMessageEvent;
  import org.amqp.ProtocolEvent;
     import org.amqp.Session;
     import org.amqp.SessionManager;
        import org.amqp.impl.SessionStateHandler;
        private var subClient:SubscribeClientImpl;
        protected var connection:Connection;

   private var serializer:JSONSerializer = new JSONSerializer();
        public function init():void {
   trace("test sub init");
            connection = new Connection(buildConnectionState());
            subClient = new SubscribeClientImpl(connection);
*   subClient.serializer = serializer;
//   subClient.realm = "/data";
   subClient.exchange = "gamex";
   subClient.exchangeType = "topic";
    public function buildConnectionState():ConnectionState {
            var state:ConnectionState = new ConnectionState();
            state.username = "guest";
            state.password = "guest";
            state.vhostpath = "/";
            state.serverhost = "";
            return state;

        public function onMessageArrive(event:CorrelatedMessageEvent):void {
            var o:* = event.result;
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