[rabbitmq-discuss] Just publishing messages causes rabbit_writer:mainloop to hang and simultaneous pub problem

Joe Lee codewalkerjoe at gmail.com
Mon Apr 14 16:20:30 BST 2008

I tried to send messages sequentially to a single rabbitmq server running on  After sending messages around 32000, erlang client node
publishing the message crashed.  When I looked at the crash dump, I see
close to 32767 rabbit_writer:mainloop/1 process still in waiting status.  I
am not sure why so many rabbit_writer:mainloop processes are still hanging
around.  Furthermore, I started another node to get published message from
rabbitmq server, rabbitmq server sends basic.get_empty.

crash_dump.erl says:
Maximum number of Erlang Process has reached 32768

Process status in erlang crash dump:

<0.32765.6>    rabbit_writer:mainloop/1    Waiting    136    233    0
<0.32766.13>    rabbit_writer:mainloop/1    Waiting    132    233    0
<0.32767.1>    rabbit_writer:mainloop/1    Waiting    136    233    0

I tried spawning 3 erlang processes simultaneously to publish message using
pmap to a single rabbitmq_server running on and rabbitmq server
throws badarg error.  Here is the error below:

=ERROR REPORT==== 14-Apr-2008::19:43:23 ===
Error in process <0.68.0> on node 'test at home' with exit value:

=ERROR REPORT==== 14-Apr-2008::19:43:23 ===
Error in process <0.70.0> on node 'test at home' with exit value:

=ERROR REPORT==== 14-Apr-2008::19:43:23 ===
Error in process <0.69.0> on node 'test at home' with exit value:

Have a look into this one: closed
Have a look into this one: closed
Have a look into this one: closed
(test at home)2>

I am not sure what these errors mean.  Can someone tell me what I am doing

Thank you,
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