I tried to send messages sequentially to a single rabbitmq server running on <a href=""></a>. After sending messages around 32000, erlang client node publishing the message crashed. When I looked at the crash dump, I see close to 32767 rabbit_writer:mainloop/1 process still in waiting status. I am not sure why so many rabbit_writer:mainloop processes are still hanging around. Furthermore, I started another node to get published message from rabbitmq server, rabbitmq server sends basic.get_empty. <br>
<br>crash_dump.erl says: <br>Maximum number of Erlang Process has reached 32768<br><br>Process status in erlang crash dump:<br><br><0.32765.6> rabbit_writer:mainloop/1 Waiting 136 233 0<br><0.32766.13> rabbit_writer:mainloop/1 Waiting 132 233 0<br>
<0.32767.1> rabbit_writer:mainloop/1 Waiting 136 233 0<br><br><br>I tried spawning 3 erlang processes simultaneously to publish message using pmap to a single rabbitmq_server running on <a href=""></a> and rabbitmq server throws badarg error. Here is the error below:<br>
<br>=ERROR REPORT==== 14-Apr-2008::19:43:23 ===<br>Error in process <0.68.0> on node 'test@home' with exit value: {badarg,[{erlang,size,[1]},{rabbit_binary_generator,build_content_frames,5},{rabbit_binary_generator,build_simple_content_frames,3},{rabbit_writer,assemble_frames,4},{rabbit_writer,internal_send_command_async... <br>
<br><br>=ERROR REPORT==== 14-Apr-2008::19:43:23 ===<br>Error in process <0.70.0> on node 'test@home' with exit value: {badarg,[{erlang,size,[3]},{rabbit_binary_generator,build_content_frames,5},{rabbit_binary_generator,build_simple_content_frames,3},{rabbit_writer,assemble_frames,4},{rabbit_writer,internal_send_command_async... <br>
<br><br>=ERROR REPORT==== 14-Apr-2008::19:43:23 ===<br>Error in process <0.69.0> on node 'test@home' with exit value: {badarg,[{erlang,size,[2]},{rabbit_binary_generator,build_content_frames,5},{rabbit_binary_generator,build_simple_content_frames,3},{rabbit_writer,assemble_frames,4},{rabbit_writer,internal_send_command_async... <br>
<br>Have a look into this one: closed<br>Have a look into this one: closed<br>Have a look into this one: closed<br>(test@home)2> <br><br>I am not sure what these errors mean. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?<br>
<br>Thank you,<br>Joe<br>