[rabbitmq-discuss] Small suggestion for 1.3 scripts

Holger Hoffstätte holger at wizards.de
Tue Apr 1 16:35:43 BST 2008


Congrats on the 1.3 release - much improved and easier installation. Here 
are two small suggestions for the Windows scripts. I noticed that the logs 
& db are placed in %HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\rabbitmq. Windows convention is 
to use a subdirectory under the per-user %APPDATA% directory, i.e. change 
the definition of RABBITMQ_BASE in rabbitmq-server.bat and 
rabbitmq-multi.bat like this:


The APPDATA path usually contains spaces ("Application Data") but I 
confirmed that everything still works fine.

Also, since that directory might be on a user's "network profile" (getting 
synced back and forth) it might be useful to only set the default if it 
has not been set already, for example when the db is supposed to be shared:

if "%RABBITMQ_BASE%"=="" (

Both changes are attached as patches.

Looking forward to that Fortran rewrite! (why not APL?)

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