[rabbitmq-discuss] Any change of getting Ubuntu 6.06 packages?

Simon MacMullen simon at lshift.net
Thu Jul 19 17:36:55 BST 2007

Yvette Chanco wrote:
> However, as not everybody likes to build  
> their own repo, the other option is...
> Don't use the lshift repository (deb http://dev.rabbitmq.com/debian/  
> unstable/), but do make sure that the lines for universe in your  
> sources.list are uncommented. Erlang is a universe component.

Just to follow up on this: we're aware that this is a problem. I'm not 
sure why our repository includes Erlang at the moment but I'm pretty 
sure it shouldn't.

When we produce the next release we'll be revamping our repository 
somewhat and will fix this. We'll also be looking at testing a bit more 
with Ubuntu...

Cheers, Simon

   [][][] Simon MacMullen
     [][] LShift Ltd
   []  [] www.lshift.net

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