[rabbitmq-discuss] Calls to management functions

Matthias Radestock matthias at lshift.net
Sun Jul 8 11:01:26 BST 2007


"Ben Hood" <0x6e6562 at gmail.com> writes:

> Server side: I'm running rabbit without a node name from an erlang
> shell using application:start(rabbit).

iirc running the server without a nodename is ok in 1.0.0-alpha, but it
is not something we recommend.

> Only the erlang compiled code is in the path, i.e. I ran erl -pa
> rabbitmq/ebin

Are the rfc4627 libs on your erlang load path?

> Client side: I ran the main method of the Manager utility:
> com.rabbitmq.tools.Manager localhost 5672 without changing anything.
> It just blocks at line 173 in RpcClient:

This works fine for me, running against our latest dev snapshot. I may
give it a try against 1.0.0-alpha later, if I find the time.

I should point out that the JSON-RPC interface and any tools built on
top of it, e.g. com.rabbitmq.tools.Manager, are highly experimental.


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